Excerpted from "Thunderbolt across Europe"
Killed in action | 2850 |
Died of wounds | 425 |
Total killed | 3275 |
Seriously wounded in action | 3809 |
Slightly wounded in action | 6096 |
Seriously injured in action | 111 |
Slightly injured in action | 1044 |
Total wounded and injured | 11060 |
Captured | 177 |
Missing in action | 501 |
Total captured and missing | 678 |
Total battle casualties | 15,013 |
Returned to duty | 10,187 |
Reinforcements | 15,736 |
Total replacements | 25,923 |
Tanks | 480 |
Planes | 61 |
Supply trains | 29 |
Artillery pieces | 966 |
Days of contact with enemy | 270 |
Prisoners captured | 82,146 |
Battlefield commisions | 75 |
Rounds of artillery fired (by organic Artillery) |
410,251 |
Rounds of small arms and mortar fire | 21,899,955 |
Miles of field wire laid | 11,868 |
Normandy: | 6 Para Rgt, 2 Parachute Div 17 SS Panzer Grenadier Div "GOTZ VON BERLICHINGEN" 2 SS Panzer Reg of 2 SS Panzer Div "DAS REICH" |
Brittany: | 7 Parachute Reg 2 Parachute Div 77 Inf Div 266 Inf D iv 343 Inf Div |
S. Loire | 16 Inf Div Combat Group Reinhardt 159 Reserve Inf Div |
Luxemburg: | 5 Parachute Div 36 Inf Div 48 Inf Div 19 Inf Div 416 Inf Div |
Hurtgen Forest: | 212 Volksgrenadier Div 47 Inf Div 91 Inf Div 272 Volksgrenadier Div 353 Inf Div |
Ardennes: | 9 SS Panzer Div "HOHENSTAUFEN" 12 Volksgrenadier Div |
To Rhine River: | 59 Inf Div 183 Volksgrenadier Div 130 Panzer Lehr Div 338 Inf Div 363 Volksgrenadier Div |
To Elb River: | 116 Panzer Div 3 Panzer Grenadier Div SCHARNHORST Div POTSDAM Div 21 Panzer Div 25 Panzer Grenadier Div |
Congressional Medal or Honor | 1 |
Distinguished Service Medal | 1 |
Distinguished Service Cross | 5 |
Legion of Merit | 5 |
Silver Stars | 798 |
Soldier's Medal | 34 |
Purple Heart | 4747 |
Bronze Star Medal | 7776 |
Medical Badge | 271 |
Meritorious Service Unit Plaque | 20 |
Air Medal | 106 |
Distinguished Service Order | 2 |
\Mislitary Cross | 7 |
Distinguished Conduct Medal | 2 |
Military Medal | 7 |
Legion D'Honneur (au grad d'officer) Legion D'Honneur (au grade d'chevalier) |
1 8 |
Croix De Guerre avec Etoil De Vermeil Croix De Guerre avec Etoil De Vermeil (avec Palme) Croix De Guerre avec Etoil De Vermeil (avec Etoile D'argent) Croix De Guerre avec Etoil De Vermeil (avec Etoile De Bronze) |
12 17 12 15 |
In addition are listed 10 Citations given to the Office of the Commanding General from:
J. Lawton Collins, Major General US ArmyTo Major Gen Macon:
Please accept for yourself and express to the men of your division, my sincere admiration for the soldierly appearance, deportment, and bearing: also for the high state of vehicular maintenance and excellent tactical instruction.
You and your officers and men are hereby highly commended for your superior performance in administrative and tactical instruction.
C. L. Boyle, Colonel GSC by command of Brig. Gen Montague.